How to continue

How to continue

Congratulations! You have finished this tutorial.

This tutorial is limited in scope and only aims to teach some of the fundamental concepts regarding the use of SPARQL to query Wikidata. But there is so much more to discover – more functions, more keywords, other query constructions, even other query types! We’ve only covered the basics here.

Below you will find a list of suggestions on how to continue learning SPARQL. However, before we conclude, there is an important aspect of the Wikidata Query Service that we would like to emphasize. While WDQS offers a unique tool for retrieving information, its usefulness is a function of the quality of the data stored on Wikidata. The more complete, accurate and reliable the underlying data is, the better and more useful our query results will be. As you explore querying Wikidata, you might encounter data that is incomplete, inaccurate or not up-to-date. We certainly hope that by using WDQS you will also be encouraged to engage with Wikidata and join the community effort of curating this database.

Resources for further SPARQL/WDQS learning:

  • SPARQL tutorial on Wikidata, including more exercises you can practice with.
  • A SPARQL/Wikidata book on Wikibooks.
  • A list of query examples – you can learn a lot by looking at the syntax and constructions used in these queries. Often you may find here a query that is suitable to your purposes, and just needs to be adapted. No need to reinvent the wheel! These examples are also accessible and searchable via the Wikidata Query Service interface (under the “Examples” button).
  • Request a query – your query is not working and you can’t figure out why? Don’t know how to formulate the query? This page is where the Wikidata community can answer questions and provide help.

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